How Ship 30 for 30 Uses Testimonial to Get More Students

Learn how Ship 30 for 30, a self-paced course that has taught over 10,000 students the fundamentals of digital writing, is using our software to get more high-level students.

How Ship 30 for 30 Uses Testimonial to Get More Students
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Welcome to a new Testimonial customer story. is a tool that allows you to get testimonials from your customers with ease.
We understand the power of social proof and that at the same time, collecting testimonials from customers is difficult for many reasons.
That’s why we built Testimonial. In minutes, you can collect text and video testimonials from your customers with no need for a developer or website hosting.
In this post, we want to discuss how Ship 30 for 30, a self-paced course that has taught over 10,000 students the fundamentals of digital writing, is using our software to get more high-level students.

What is Ship 30 for 30?

We all want to write in some way, yet very few people actually start that blog, social media personal brand, or publish their ebook.
Ship 30 for 30 was created to actively help people overcome the entry barriers to active writing.
The creators, Dickie Bush and Nicolas Cole, didn’t create another passive consumption course.
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Their course is active learning - you'll create 30 pieces of published writing in public, build lifelong friendships, and leave with a new perspective for what is possible online.
For a one-time payment of $350 you will get instant access to:
  • The Ship 30 for 30 Curriculum.
  • The Ship 30 for 30 Course Guide
  • The Ship 30 for 30 Skool Community
  • 30 Days Of Writing Templates
  • The Rapid-Fire Intros System
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the Ship 30 for 30 curriculum, library of bonuses, and Skool community.
  • 5 other bonuses (worth $800)
And most importantly, you will leave with 30 pieces of written content, your own social blog, and the knowledge and habits required to use writing to build your ideal lifestyle through monetization and lifelong opportunities.
If this doesn’t sound good enough, I don’t know what will.

Why testimonials are so important for Dickie and Nicolas

Dickie and Nicolas have set up a very good-looking website, built upon the best principles of design and social proof marketing.
Ship 30 for 30 is an outstanding product, but as seasoned marketers, its creators understand that the packaging of a box is as important as the content inside.
"I came for the writing, but I stayed for the community."
This is one of the highlighted quotes on the Ship 30 for 30 websites.
Dickie and Nicolas understand that they are not selling a low-ticket course.
They know that the best way to sell a mid to high-ticket course is by leveraging your former students’ opinions and experiences.
If you are an aspiring writer, and you see that some of the people in your network or someone you follow and admire on social media have taken a writing course (and that it comes with a community feature included), you will want to join.
The product could be appealing to you in terms of the curriculum or the value of networking opportunities coming from the community, but in the end, the real influencing factor is the people who took the course and not the actual content (because you don’t have access yet).
That is why the course content is as important as the offer.
And testimonials, reviews, experiences, and other types of social proof are a core part of the offer.

How the Ship 30 for 30 founders use testimonials (and social proof in general) on their website

I’m honestly impressed by how Dickie and Nicoles have implemented the use of testimonials and social proof on their website.
They even use one tactic that I rarely see, but I’m pretty sure it is very effective.
The first snapshot of the website when you visit it is a short and clear description of what they do.
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They answer the main question, “what is Ship 30 for 30?”
But, on the first scroll, the next you will see a two-column layout with two featured testimonials.
These are probably their top two students who have left testimonials.
These are there to generate the maximum impact.
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In this case, the students were Alice Lemée, a freelance writer for Zapier, Every, and FastCompany, and Alex Lieberman, the co-founder of Morning Brew.
This automatically grabs the reader's attention and entices him to keep reading.
Because if Alice Lemée and Alex Lieberman, successful and notable writers, leave such amazing comments about this product, then there must be more cool stuff to discover on this landing page.

Highlighted social media posts

The next couple of sections are focused on explaining the features of the product, but after scrolling a bit and reading, you will also see that the website includes highlighted social media posts.
These are actual tweets. Not screenshots, but real, embedded X/Twitter posts.
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You can click them, and they will take you to the original post.
These tweets are special because they are real-life shoutouts that took place on social media.
Can you visualize how impactful these social media posts are on the prospective student’s mind?
He or she may think (even unconsciously), “These are not requested testimonials or reviews. These former students actually loved the product, so they went to Twitter and posted about their experience.”
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These type of details really prepare your prospects to let go of objections and doubt and consider the product as a viable solution for their problems.

The Testimonial Wall of Love

The crowning social proof element of the Ship 30 for 30 website is the Testimonial Wall of Love.
A Wall of Love is a digital page where you can showcase the love your clients send you in the form of testimonials and reviews.
Imagine a landing page entirely focused on the best experiences of your most amazing clients!
This game-changing feature is available in every plan (even on the free tier).
It allows you to put EVERYTHING in one place:
  • Video testimonials
  • Text testimonials
  • Comments from social media
  • Reviews from external sites like Capterra or G2
  • And more
If you think it sounds cool, you should take a look at the one on the Ship 30 for 30 website.
All of these student testimonials being showcase together just seem to say one thing “This course helped me become a better writer. Buy it if you want the same.”
The Ship 30 for 30 Wall of Love is so impactful that they even have a second one in the slider version.

Social proof on the checkout page

The final element that I want to discuss, and that really assures me that Dickie and Nicolas understand the importance and value of social proof, is the testimonial that is included on the checkout page.
A regular checkout page includes a reminder of what the product can do for you and all the add-ons, bonuses, or upsells available.
I loved how in the middle of those elements, the Ship 30 for 30 included what looks like their best testimonial.
The student even closed her comments with the words, “Don't hesitate!”
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How many prospective students have read that testimonial and clicked the “buy” button instead of abandoning the checkout page or “leaving it for later”?
I don’t know the metrics, but I’m pretty sure that single details have generated a ton of extra sales for this business.

I hope you enjoyed reading this Testimonial customer story.
The opportunity of leveraging the testimonials of your customers to make more money, just as Ship 30 for 30 does, is waiting for you.
If you are not using your customers’ experiences to get more clients then you are leaving money on the table.
Get started with Testimonial today and grow your business faster than ever.

Written by

Damon Chen
Damon Chen

CEO and Founder @