7 Creative Ways to Display Testimonials on Your Website: Examples Included

Learn seven creative ways to display testimonials on your website. Leverage customer experiences to improve your credibility and trust. Use our examples to impress with your testimonial page!

7 Creative Ways to Display Testimonials on Your Website: Examples Included
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If you want to grow a business, you need credibility.
When building trust, very few tools are as powerful as customer testimonials.
But having a few testimonials here and there won't do the job.
You need to think deeper and display your testimonials in a way that will make all the difference.
Marketing is an art so you need a better strategy if you want a “social proof canvas” that beats your competition.
In this post, I'll explore ten creative ways to showcase testimonials on your website or landing pages so you give an impression your prospective clients will remember.

1. Create a dedicated testimonial page

To start, you need to request and collect testimonials from your customers. Testimonial.to can help with that.
Once you have your first testimonials, you can create a dedicated testimonial page or “Wall of Love.”
A Wall of Love is a digital page where you can showcase the love your clients send you through testimonials and reviews.
Imagine a landing page focused on the best experiences of your most amazing clients!
Put everything in one place:
  • Video testimonials
  • Text testimonials
  • Comments from social media
  • And more
If it sounds cool, take a look at one.
For example, Blaine Anderson does a great job with her dedicated testimonial page.
The experience was able to say more than my words.
The best is that as a Testimonial.to user, your Walls of Love are fully customizable (they will match your website’s skin perfectly.) 🤫
Use your creativity to make it look amazing or get the help of AI to design the Wall of Love that best fits your website.
You can set your dedicated testimonial page in a few different ways:
  • Use a custom domain with the testimonial page that comes with your Testimonial account
  • Add a link on your website’s menu that redirects to any of the two options above

2. Embed your Wall of Love on a website

Whether you want to use a dedicated landing page or not, you can always create embed codes and add them at specific places on your website pages or landing pages to generate an overwhelming sense of positivity for your site visitors.
Imagine that after explaining how your product or service solves your prospective customer's problem, the next thing they see on your site is a perfect compilation of former customers testifying that your product is remarkable, outstanding, useful, and, in summary, it works.
These embedded Walls of Love can be a great supporting resource for:
  • Homepages
  • Product pages
  • Pre-sell pages
  • Feedback pages
  • Checkout pages
  • Conversion landing pages
  • Anything else you can think of

3. Use a testimonial badge on your website

A testimonial badge is a visual summary of your social proof collection.
If you want to create an immediate impact on your website visitors, place it somewhere on your site that is visible on the initial load.
For example, Justin Welsh added a testimonial badge as one of the first elements on his course’s landing page.
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As you can see, a testimonial badge gives you the ability to:
  • Show the profile picture of some of your customers (giving it a human and supportive touch)
  • Some of these customers may be recognized in the industry, which is a plus (influence)
  • Showcase your average star rating for reviews and testimonials
  • Mention how many of your customers have contributed to that rating
As a Testimonial.to user, you can get a customizable testimonial badge ready to be added to your website with a few clicks.
You can even link it to your Wall of Love page to add more authority to the badge if needed.

4. Feature your top testimonials independently

Once you have set up your dedicated testimonial page and embedded your Wall of Love in relevant places on your site, you can also consider focusing your visitors' attention on specific customer testimonials.
Everyone has former customers who are famous, notable, influential, or left a positive and comprehensive review of their experience.
You may want to also use those “special” testimonials in a different part of the website and feature them independently to generate more interest.
The Make Ads Guide landing page features Marc Lou on the first snapshot.
You can see it as soon as you access the page on the web version:
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Marc Lou is a very influential internet entrepreneur, and if you read his testimonial, you will see that what he is saying about Nico’s course is not a minor thing:
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Nico’s landing page may be converting very well with these highlighted testimonials.
I speak in plural because he added some more on other areas of the landing page:
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5. Highlight relevant social media posts

Consumers want to see credible and authentic content backing up your offers.
A precise way to do this is to attach screenshots or embeds of the posts and comments your former clients leave you on social media.
Instagram, X, LinkedIn, TikTok, Facebook - you name it!
All the experiences your clients leave you on these platforms can convert your prospects into new clients.
These can be in video, text, photos, and other formats. The important thing is to give credibility to the message you are trying to sell to your prospects.
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Testimonial.to allows you to attach posts from different social platforms and have them go directly to your Wall of Love.
You can also use the Testimonial browser extension to capture text or screenshots from all the other forms of social proof that you get on social media (like mentions in stories, comments, private messages, etc).

6. Include social proof on your checkout pages

A regular checkout page includes a reminder of what the product can do for you and all the add-ons, bonuses, or upsells available. I loved how the Ship 30 for 30 included what looks like their best testimonial in the middle of those elements. The student even closed her comments with the words, “Don't hesitate!”
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How many prospective students have read that testimonial and clicked the “buy” button instead of abandoning the checkout page or “leaving it for later”? I don’t know the metrics, but I’m pretty sure that single details have generated a ton of extra sales for this business.

7. Include testimonials on your pricing or product pages

You need to close sales in your business to keep it running.
For this reason, you need to instill the right impression and influence on your prospects.
A great way to do this is to embed additional highlighted testimonials on your product or pricing pages or add an embedded version of your Wall of Love.
This is how PDF.ai, a chat-with-your-PDF tool with more than a million users, does it (and it’s working!)
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Why is showcasing testimonials in different ways a must?

Testimonials are a very powerful way of convincing when promoting your services and products.
However, you must be careful when distributing these doses of social proof on your sites and similar online channels.
If you use them on your website in a single format only or in a very repetitive or aggressive way, you may risk two things:
  1. The potential effect of your former customer testimonials may be lost due to a lack of emphasis.
  1. Your prospects may feel you want to oversell them and leave.
I hope that you find my advice helpful.
If you follow it, I promise you that your websites, landing pages, products, and checkout pages will have a much greater conversion power and you will see a lot more results and sales. Thanks!

Written by

Damon Chen
Damon Chen

Founder of Testimonial