Send VideoAsk videos to Testimonial

Now with our latest Zapier app, you can automatically send the video to Testimonial whenever a new VideoAsk response is received.

Send VideoAsk videos to Testimonial
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If you are an existing VideoAsk customer and you received a lot of video testimonials. Now you don’t want all these awesome testimonials sitting in your VideoAsk inbox forever. You may be wondering how you will showcase all these video testimonials on our Wall of Love. 🤔
I’m pretty sure you don’t want to download then re-upload each of them one by one. You want something automated!
Now with our latest Zapier app, you can automatically send the video to Testimonial whenever a new VideoAsk response is received.
You can even set Add to Wall of Love input param to true to automatically add every VideoAsk new response to Testimonial’s Wall of Love.
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Create VideoAsk to Testimonial zap in Zapier

A Zapier zap consists of two parts: Trigger and Action. In this zap, the trigger is New Response in VideoAsk; and the action is Submit a Video in Testimonial.
Let’s get started! 💪

1. Select VideoAsk as the Trigger app

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2. Select New Response (From a Respondent) in the Event dropdown list and click Continue

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3. Click Sign in button to connect your VideoAsk account

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4. Select your VideoAsk account and click Continue

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5. Select which Organization and VideoAsk you would like to receive responses from

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6. Click Test trigger button to make sure your VideoAsk’s trigger is added successfully

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7. Now let’s add Testimonial Action. Click the + icon

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8. Search Testimonial and select Testimonial Beta version

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9. In the Event dropdown, select Submit a Video from the list

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10. Choose your Testimonial account and click Continue

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11. Set up the action with some input fields

Two parameters are required:
  1. Video URL (publicly accessible video URL)
  1. Name (submitter's name)
Here are some optional parameters you can use too:
  1. Email (submitter's email)
  1. Title and Company (submitter's title and company)
  1. Social Profile Link (submitter's social profile link, i.e. LinkedIn profile link)
  1. Confirmed (whether submitter gives the permission to use his/her video publicly)
  1. Add to Wall of Love (directly add the video to the Wall of Love)
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12. Test action and turn on your zap 🎉

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13. Wait for VideoAsk videos to be added to Testimonial automatically

I just sent a test video to my VideoAsk, and boom, I got the video too in my Testimonial account ✌️
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Written by

Damon Chen
Damon Chen

Founder of Testimonial