Why you need testimonials for your business?

Testimonial is the most effective form of advertising. Consumers are looking for an opinion when they search for products online. They want to see what others have said about your business and if others have been happy with their purchase. That's why testimonials are one of the most important forms of content you can get for your business.

Why you need testimonials for your business?
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Testimonial is the most effective form of advertising. Consumers are looking for an opinion when they search for products online. They want to see what others have said about your business and if others have been happy with their purchase. That's why testimonials are one of the most important forms of content you can get for your business.

Testimonials build trust

In today's world, credibility is everything. The more people believe in something, the stronger its effect on their decision-making. If you want people to notice how good your company is — and how happy your customers are — this is one way to do it. The power of a customer testimonial comes from social proof– the more people who believe in a brand, the more powerful its influence will be.

Let your happy customers speak for you

There are many ways in which testimonials can help your business succeed. New customers often know little about your business and may have preconceived notions about it. Testimonials can correct these misconceptions and help establish a positive image of your business in the eyes of prospective customers.
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Testimonial.to is an platform to collect video testimonials. One of its happy customers, Chris Lema, recorded a video testimonial to go through the product thoroughly.
If you are selling a particular product or service, a testimonial from someone who has used it can be extremely powerful. Remember, a good testimonial is worth more than a thousand words.

Testimonials increase the conversion rate

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Selling something is hard. Getting people to believe in what you're offering can be nearly impossible without testimonials. Testimonials can be the deciding factor between buying a product or not. They give credibility to your position and ease concerns about whether customers will buy what you have to offer. A video testimonial from someone who has bought from you can be very persuasive when used in conversation with potential customers. People buy from people. If past customers are happy about their purchase, you will be influenced by their happiness, and choose to buy it too.

Testimonials bring customers closer to you

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Great testimonials can build a very positive relationship with your customers. Their trust is earned, not given! When someone uses your product or service, they expect to benefit from it, and this experience helps them decide if you are the perfect partner for their needs. Your customers will remember how happy they were when first using your product. They want your product to be better because they need it. They can be your Program Managers to raise new feature requests; they can be your QA testing folks to report bugs. You and your customers are developing the product together. They are not only your customers but your biggest advocates, your team members.

Testimonials build your brand and word of mouth

These days, testimonials are more valuable than ever. People trust product testimonials more than any other kind of advertising. Testimonial can take months or years to curate, but they cost you nothing compared to paid ads. A testimonial is more credible than a paid ad, and it can help your business sell more. If you want people to believe in you and your product – to spread the word – then you need to build it with testimonials. As a result, many customers choose to trust testimonials over other sources when seeking guidance or selecting a product or service.


There is no better way to prove your business than by providing testimonials from satisfied clients. Testimonials are incredibly persuasive to customers, providing them with an inside look at your business and what makes it great. Thousands of companies around the world rely on testimonials to help sell their products or services. Testimonials have become the gold standard in business. They are more personalized, more cost-effective to drive sales. To have high success rates with your business, you need to get people testimonials for your product or service.

Written by

Damon Chen
Damon Chen

Founder of Testimonial