Why testimonials are important for your business and how to collect them

Let’s dive into 8 creative ways to collect testimonials and reviews, as well as 3 tips to efficiently collect them.

Why testimonials are important for your business and how to collect them
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It's pretty clear by now, and there is no denying the fact that testimonials are certainly very helpful and act as an important marketing tool. The real question is how to start collecting testimonials from your customers.
Before we go ahead and see the ways to start collecting testimonials, let's see if you already have them lying somewhere you never knew about.

Why do we need to collect testimonials?

Before we start understanding ways to collect user testimonials, it's important to know why you need testimonials in the first place.
So there are multiple reasons to have a testimonial section on your website, but the most important one would be that text and video testimonials help you build trust, which in turn improves the overall website conversion rate.

A few tips to efficiently collect testimonials

There are certain tips that you must follow to ensure the highest efficiency of your testimonial collection flow – this will make the process of testimonial collection smoother and help you get better results.
1. Share samples: There are chances that your customers don’t know what a testimonial should look like, so if required, share a sample testimonial to give them some inspiration.
2. Simplify the flow: Don't make the process of submitting testimonials too complex, just use Testimonial.to and share your link – the rest will be handled with a tried and tested video and text testimonial collection flow.
3. Send reminders: We're humans and tend to forget things. If you have requested a happy user to share a testimonial, and they forgot to submit it, then feel free to send them a friendly reminder but don't repeat it too much – once or twice is fine, and all you need.

Finding existing testimonials

If you've already been in business for quite some time, then you may have some user feedback and testimonials laying around already, you just need to find them.
Reviews on G2
Reviews on G2
A good place to start would be Twitter and LinkedIn search, where you can just type in your product/service name and see if some of your users have left any testimonials or not.
Next, you can look up reviews on sites like G2 and GetApp to see if any of your users have left any reviews there.
That's how to find existing reviews; now let's see ways you can start collecting reviews and testimonials.

Support emails

As a business or SaaS, you'll get hundreds of support emails, if not thousands.
If you can help them out and make them happy – you, my friend, have a chance to ask for a testimonial.
Sample support email
Sample support email
Here's a quick email template that you can use to ask the user for a testimonial.
> Customer: Thanks for this, the issue got fixed.
> Reply from customer support: [Email Template below]
Hi [Customer Name],
Happy to hear that the issue was finally resolved and you can use [Product Name] properly.
Just a small request, can you please leave a testimonial here [Link to your Testimonial.to page] if you are satisfied with the product and support I was able to provide?
You can either share a simple text testimonial, but a video testimonial will make us happier <3
Have a great day and do let me know if I can help you out with anything else.
Keep Growing,
[Your Name, Role]
Furthermore, we have an extensive guide on testimonial email templates which you should absolutely check out. It can help you receive your first testimonials and improve your social proof in no time!

Live chat widget

Just like support emails, live chat widgets are also a great place to interact with your customers and answer their queries. Furthermore, just like support email, in live chat widgets too, you'll have a scenario where your support or product amazed the user.
That's the perfect time to ask for a testimonial from the user.
Why? A happy user means a great testimonial, which you can show on your landing page to build trust.
Response on live chat widget
Response on live chat widget
Just one thing to ensure – unlike your support email, testimonial requests over a live chat widget should be kept short and crisp because the widgets are generally small, and you would rather not make them read a big message in a small window.
Here's a quick template that you can use to ask the user for a testimonial.
Glad that the issue was fixed. Do you mind leaving a testimonial here [Link to your Testimonial.to page]? P.S. Would really appreciate a video testimonial.

Adding a testimonial widget/popup to your dashboard

Your power users are the ones who spend hours on your app. They are the ones whom you should be asking for a testimonial because they have been using your product regularly and rigorously.
The easiest way to ask them for a testimonial would be to have an in-app widget or a popup that would direct them to the testimonial collection page or popup.
Here's how we do this inside our own product.
In-app Testimonial.to widget
In-app Testimonial.to widget
Just 1 thing to remember – ensure these popups aren't annoying and should be easy to close. This will make sure that the user gets a subtle nudge to leave a testimonial without hampering their experience with the product.

Interview customers

Do you build products by listening to your customers? That's a great way to build a product, plus you get time to interact with your users.
During these meetings and interviews, you can ask your customers to leave you a testimonial. Just in case they forget – do send them a reminder and make the process effortless, just like sending Testimonail.to link to them.


Many businesses also have newsletters which they either use to share product updates or distribute the content that’s been written.
That’s the general use case, but what about adding a plug with your Testimonial.to link?
A great way of collecting user testimonials and social proof without bothering them.
Collect testimonials via newsletter
Collect testimonials via newsletter
Website footers are another great way of letting users know that they can submit testimonials for your website or service.
This is also the most unobstructive place to have your testimonial link - you can just leave it there and your users will be able to discover it themselves.

Automate with Zapier

Another great way that we’ve been seeing our customers using is automating the testimonial collection process with Zapier.
A good example would be to automatically request testimonials from your customers on Shopify, likely a few days after their purchase by using the delay feature.
Automate testimonial collection with Zapier
Automate testimonial collection with Zapier

What to do with these testimonials?

Good question!
The best way to utilize these testimonials would be to start showcasing them to your website visitors; you can do this by embedding a testimonial widget on your landing page or building a separate testimonial page on your website.
You can also display your testimonials on various pages on your website such as your pricing or sign-up page to give your conversion rate a boost.

Wrapping up…

These were the ways that would fit most products and help collect testimonials with ease, it's now your turn to leverage them for your product to start collecting testimonials.
Moreover, it's free to start collecting testimonials, so why wait when you can start today?
If you’re just getting started with your testimonial process, you might like these two articles:

Written by

Damon Chen
Damon Chen

Founder of Testimonial