This Is How Customer Testimonials Can Work for You Non-stop

Testimonials are living assets that could work for you 24/7, for free. In this article, I will show you how this is possible and teach you how to set up your own systems to achieve it.

This Is How Customer Testimonials Can Work for You Non-stop
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Testimonials are living assets that could work for you 24/7, for free. In this article, I will show you how this is possible and teach you how to set up your own systems to achieve it.
Testimonials, in any format, are key to every marketing strategy.
Some business owners don't know about testimonials or underestimate their power, and that is costing them good money.
These business leaders may be tempted to think that testimonials are vanity or pretty quotes that you add to your website to sit there as ornaments or badges of honor.
That couldn't be farther from the truth.
Testimonials are living assets that could work for you nonstop, 24/7, for free.
All you have to do is learn a little about them (just enough to get started) and then start collecting and using them the right way.
In this article, I will show you how your testimonials could work for you even when you’re sleeping and teach you how to set up your own systems as well.
Are you ready? Let’s dive in.

Testimonials Highlight Your Product Or Service’s Features

Okay, let’s start with the basics.
Your product or service has its own unique characteristics.
It comprises different features, elements, pricing options, tiers, etc.
Naturally, the first step to putting your offer into the world is to create a website or landing page whose copy is attractive.
The images, colors, explainers videos, or any supporting assets that you decide to include should work together to make your prospective customers understand what you sell.
Chili Piper’s website is a good example.
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Once you have prepared that, adding high-quality testimonials is the next natural step.
Why? Because when your customers talk about your service or product in these testimonials, they act as promoters of your product.
This is what Chili Piper’s testimonial page looks like:
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These customer stories illustrate different aspects or features of the product.
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Users may share their story from the perspective of:
  • How a specific feature made their day
  • How you are the only one who offers that feature
  • How a specific feature helped be more productive or earn/save money
  • How a specific feature makes your offer better than the competition because it works better
  • How a specific feature makes your offer a better value vs. price deal because they only include the feature in higher-priced tiers or products
  • And more
So, if you want your top or newest features to stand out and be clearly understood by your prospects, leave the explanation to your customers.
You may be thinking, “This sounds good, but how on earth can I ensure customers talk about THAT one feature in their reviews or testimonials?”
And I would add, how can you ensure they do it in the right way?
Well, that’s where comes in.
You can use Testimonial to create a collecting page like this one ⬇️ in just a few clicks.
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You can set up any questions that you wish or add a video that guides your users to share what you consider relevant to create outstanding testimonials.
The best part is that you can change these questions as you wish if you need to focus your efforts on different features or aspects of your product.
You can also sign up for the Premium or Ultimate Plan, which includes Testimonial forms.
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Each form can have its own title, description, and set of questions, among other things.
It will also serve as another landing page or collection page within the space you can use to collect testimonials and apply tags automatically for easier management.
That way, you can set up forms inside testimonials, which could be variables or your main space, and direct questions to specific features.
This is very useful if you are creating a social collection campaign related to a specific feature of your product. You can learn how to set up testimonial forms here.

Testimonials Solve Client Objections

One of the most important skills that salespeople can have is dealing with objections.
Your prospects may like your product and want the solution you are selling, but there are things that don’t connect in their minds yet.
Your job as the marketer of your product or service is to solve those objections so that your cost prospective customers go directly into paying mode.
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Remember, this is their hard money, so they won’t give it to you unless they want to and are completely sure your solution is what they want.
If you are like most small business owners or solopreneurs, you don’t have a sales team working for you to solve these objections.
So, what do you do?
Put your army of full-time sales workers to help you nonstop.
That army is built by collecting high-quality customer testimonials.
This works so well for the following reason:

People don’t like to be sold.

Your prospective customers don’t like feeling pressured.
They don’t want to jump into another video call or have your ads interrupt their video.
Using testimonials in your marketing is a great way to sell them indirectly. That way, they won’t feel they are being pitched or convinced.
Since your customers’ experiences will discuss relevant points of interest about your product, they will work as sales agents who “talk” to them.
What are some of those points of interest your customer will usually approach:
  • Opinions, experiences, or positive feedback about a feature (as explained in the previous section)
  • Pricing
  • Service expectations
  • Onboarding
  • Customer service
  • Experiences (like how you exceeded the requirement to help them, the time you gave them a discount, how your documentation works well, etc.)
Your testimonials will work to solve your customer objections in terms of lack of budget, trust, need, urgency, and others.
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Remember, marketing is a science.
You can plan this carefully and make it work for you:
Make your research to understand what are your prospects’ main objections and then focus on creating testimonial collection campaigns whose content could help solve those objections.
When you have the social proof ready, you can go ahead and place it on all of the places where your prospective customers will engage: social media posts, newsletters, email marketing content, checkout pages, ads, and, of course, your main website and related pages.
Doing this will give you good opportunities to convert more.

Testimonials Are Customer Stories... And That Matters!

Another very important aspect that we can discuss is that testimonials are not just informative pieces of content; they are real people talking.
These are actual customer stories, and most importantly, they are humans whose lives are similar to those of your prospects.
For example, let’s say you are selling a digital product that teaches stay-at-home moms how to build a business in their spare time using affiliate marketing.
This product is a valuable opportunity for them because it can literally change their lives.
If they apply the advice in the course, they can start generating income for themselves or support their partners without leaving their kids unattended.
The only issue is they may not know this is a good opportunity if you don’t give them the chance.
Can you guess who is going to help you with this?
Yes! Your student testimonials will make the difference!
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The experiences of other stay-at-home moms who made money with the course will be perfect to show them how the course works, what type of results they can expect, and if they should be willing to invest in the program.
Marketing is not about coercion. Marketing is all about connection.
When your ideal customers can relate their personal stories with those in your testimonials, they connect, and unconsciously, their brains build ways in which your product will help them.
So everything: their word choice, face, voice tone, gestures, and, of course, the story behind the testimonials will work for you.
If you haven’t done so, consider starting your testimonial marketing efforts today.
Your customers will work as a team of ambassadors working for you 24/7, and they will do it not because you paid them or told them to but because they love what you do. They love your products or services and want to support your mission.

Testimonials Should Be Part Of Your Marketing Strategy

The points I just shared will help you.
Now you understand why testimonials are so important and why they are not only idle messages on your website but actually powerful marketing aids to fulfill your purpose and mission as a founder and seller.
Now, it’s on you to collect as many of these as possible. will help you in that endeavor.
It will help you request, collect, showcase, and follow up with your reviewers.
We have a free plan, or with a small subscription, you can automate a full testimonial marketing strategy that will help you maximize the benefits of your customer experiences.
These two recent updates should really make you consider joining Testimonial:

Testimonial Email Assistant (TEA)

The Testimonial Email Assistant, or T.E.A., is an innovative tool designed to automate and streamline your testimonial collection process.
You can find TEA in the Integrations section on the left navbar 👇
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It takes the hassle out of following up with customers and ensures you never miss an opportunity to gather valuable feedback.
With the workflow now complete, you can streamline your testimonial collection process.
The team behind Testimonial focused on creating a solution that automates testimonial requests, helping you accomplish more.
Now, you can request, collect, and showcase your testimonials using a single tool:

Testimonial AI Case Study Generator

You can now create a custom case study based on the reviews and testimonials of your clients.
It is now possible with Testimonial, and here's how.
1) To get started, you need to sign up for Testimonial and start a free trial of any paid plan, and get at least one client text testimonial.
That will be easy because Testimonial is the best tool to collect text and video testimonials from your customers without the need for a developer or website hosting.
You can also upload a previously collected text testimonial or review, manually.
2) Once you have that - go to your Testimonial dashboard and choose the space where the testimonial is located.
Once open, click the arrow-down ⌄ icon at the bottom-left to expand the testimonial card.
Once the card expands, you will see a list of icons at the bottom, and you will find the AI icon. Just click on it.
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3) Boom! You will see a pop-up where you can add more details for the AI to create your custom case study.
The more detailed and clearer the instructions, the better.
Once you are done, just click “Generate”.
Voilá, your case study is ready to go.
The best is that you can create unlimited case studies!
Do you envision how much time and money this can save you?

Wrapping up

  • Testimonials will highlight your product/service features so they are determining factors in buying decisions.
  • Testimonials will solve multiple sales objections for you, even when you are sleeping.
  • Testimonials are the stories of real customers. People connect with people. Never underestimate the power of that.
If you are ready to set up your testimonial marketing “team,” consider using to help you.

Written by

Damon Chen
Damon Chen

Founder of Testimonial