73 Testimonial Questions To Ask For Great Customer Testimonials

Use these 73 testimonial questions to collect meaningful customer feedback and craft engaging testimonials that boost trust and drive conversions.

73 Testimonial Questions To Ask For Great Customer Testimonials
Current Column
Oct 16, 2024
Use these 73 testimonial questions to collect meaningful customer feedback and craft engaging testimonials that boost trust and drive conversions.
73 Testimonial Questions To Ask For Great Customer Testimonials
Collecting testimonials can be a bit awkward when you’re a business owner. You might not know how to approach customers for positive feedback. Or, you might feel uneasy asking for a favor. No matter the case, testimonials on website can help build trust with potential customers and convince them to choose your business over the competition. The right questions can also help make collecting testimonials easier and more organic. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of testimonials, how to approach customers for positive feedback, and the right questions to ask when requesting testimonials to help your business succeed.
One way to collect testimonials is by using testimonial software. This helpful tool can help you automate gathering testimonials for your website. You can create a dedicated space on your site to collect testimonials and customize the process to fit your needs. Most importantly, testimonial software makes it easy to ask the right questions when collecting testimonials to get the information that will most help your business.

What Is A Testimonial?

Testimonial Questions
Testimonial Questions
A testimonial in social media is a positive and genuine statement, review, endorsement, or recommendation of a product, service, or brand provided by a customer or a client. Celebrities, influencers, or other well-known personalities sometimes give them. Testimonials help build credibility and a positive reputation and add value to the brand image in an authentic and unsponsored way.
Testimonials on websites and social media can be obtained and displayed in various formats, such as:
  • Images
  • Text
  • Videos

The Evolution of Testimonials

Testimonials evolved from the word testimony, first used in the 15th century to refer to a demonstration of facts or evidence. Testimonials were earlier given verbally, with customers talking about a product or service positively and inspiring others to use the same. With the advent of marketing, testimonials, in the form of written and spoken statements, have been adopted to grow and expand a business.
They serve as organic product or service promotions by reflecting users’ experiences and feedback. A testimonial essentially highlights the benefits and advantages of a brand or its offerings and how they deliver a positive outcome.

What’s the Difference Between a Testimonial and an Endorsement?

While testimonials are sometimes confused with endorsements, the primary difference is that customers or users typically provide the former, while celebrities or significant personalities usually do endorsements. Testimonials are perceived as more credible and trustworthy because they are given by customers or clients with firsthand experience with the product or service.

Why Are Testimonials So Effective

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Testimonial Questions
Testimonials offer third-party validation. In a world where consumers are often skeptical of marketing messages, hearing from real customers who have had a positive experience can be far more convincing than promotional content alone.
According to the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer, trust is one of the top factors influencing consumer decisions, especially among millennials and Gen Z. Testimonials help to fill this trust gap by showing that others have had success with your business.

Why Testimonials Tap Into Social Proof

Testimonials tap into the concept of social proof, which is the idea that people tend to follow the behavior of others when making decisions. Seeing others endorse your brand or product gives new customers the reassurance they need to take the next step, whether making a purchase or signing up for a service. Positive testimonials act as endorsements that make potential customers feel more confident in choosing your business.

Why Testimonials Increase Conversion Rates

Testimonials can directly impact your conversion rates. BigCommerce reports that users are 58% more likely to convert when they engage with reviews or testimonials. Additionally, these customers tend to generate 62% more revenue per visitor, demonstrating the strong influence that positive feedback can have on purchasing decisions. Testimonials can turn browsers into buyers by alleviating concerns and answering unspoken questions through customer experiences.

Why Testimonials Have Emotional Appeal

Testimonials often highlight the emotional benefits of using your product or service, which can create a personal connection with potential customers. When people see how your business solved a problem or improved someone’s life, it triggers an emotional response, making them more likely to relate to the customer’s story and envision similar benefits for themselves.

Why Testimonials Increase Customer Loyalty

According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, trusted brands enjoy greater customer loyalty, with 67% of people saying they are more likely to stay loyal to a brand they trust. By featuring testimonials, you demonstrate your ability to deliver on your promises, which can foster long-term relationships with your customers.

Why Testimonials Influence Decision-Making

Research from Wyzowl shows that 77% of people who watched a brand's testimonial video felt more confident purchasing. Written or video testimonials provide the social validation needed to sway undecided customers by offering relatable, real-world experiences that align with their needs and concerns.

Why Testimonials Boost SEO and Visibility

Testimonials can also improve your website's SEO. Fresh, unique content like reviews and testimonials can boost keyword relevance and enhance your site's search engine rankings. When potential customers search for reviews or experiences related to your product, having customer testimonials visible can increase your online visibility and draw more traffic to your site.

Leveraging the ‘Wall of Love’ Widget to Showcase Customer Feedback

Testimonial simplifies the process of building trust and credibility for businesses. Our testimonial software allows an accessible collection and display of authentic client testimonials featuring:
  • Video and text options
  • An embeddable wall of love widget
  • A clever Email Assistant
  • Third-party review imports
Testimonial helps boost your credibility and conversion rates by showcasing real customer experiences. This is ideal for:
  • Content creators
  • Agencies
  • eCommerce
  • SaaS companies
Build a wall of love for free today with Testimonial.

Why Do Testimonial Questions Matter?

Testimonial Questions
Testimonial Questions
Questions for customer testimonials matter because they help businesses collect meaningful, insightful customer feedback. This feedback enhances the quality and effectiveness of the testimonials they use in marketing. Testimonials are crucial for building trust and credibility, as they provide social proof that can influence potential customers’ decisions. When testimonials include specific details about a customer’s experience, they are more likely to resonate with prospects and demonstrate a product’s or service’s tangible benefits.

What Can Targeted Questions Do for My Business?

Businesses can gather in-depth responses that highlight their unique value by asking the right questions. This leads to more authentic and persuasive testimonials that showcase real customer satisfaction rather than generic praise. Additionally, targeted questions can help businesses uncover areas for improvement and inspire innovation by learning about customers’ pain points and the solutions that worked for them.

Where Can I Use Testimonials with Help from Testimonial Questions?

Testimonials gathered through thoughtful questioning can be leveraged across various channels—websites, brochures, social media, and advertisements—making them a versatile marketing asset. Well-crafted questions encourage customers to reflect on their entire experience, resulting in more impactful testimonials that align with a company’s brand messaging and goals.

73 Testimonial Questions To Ask Your Customers

Testimonial Questions
Testimonial Questions

1. What problem were you trying to solve when you found our product/service?

This question encourages customers to articulate their pain points, giving future customers relatable problems your business solves.

2. Why did you choose our product/service over competitors?

This helps identify what makes your offering stand out, emphasizing critical differentiators in your testimonial.

3. How has our product/service improved your life or business?

Focuses on the benefits and outcomes, allowing potential customers to see the real-world impact of your offering.

4. What features do you like the most about our product/service?

This question helps highlight specific features, making your product/service more tangible for prospects.

5. What was your biggest hesitation before purchasing, and how did we address it?

This targets objections future customers might have and shows how you overcame them.

6. How did you find the onboarding or initial setup process?

This question focuses on the ease of getting started, which is often a concern for potential buyers.

7. Would you recommend our product/service to others? If so, why?

An open endorsement shows genuine trust in your product, enhancing credibility.

8. How has our customer service/support helped you throughout your experience?

It highlights the importance of customer support, a critical factor for many potential buyers.

9. What specific results have you seen since using our product/service?

Quantifiable results prove that your offering works, adding more weight to the testimonial.

10. Is there anything you’d like to see improved?

This invites constructive feedback while demonstrating transparency and a commitment to improvement.

Video Testimonial Questions

Video testimonials benefit from being visual, showing genuine emotion and body language. The questions need to be concise but powerful.

11. Can you introduce yourself and explain what you do?

Personalizes the testimonial and provides context for the viewer.

12. What was your experience like before finding our product/service?

It sets up a before-and-after comparison that demonstrates the transformation your product enabled.

13. Can you share a specific example of how our product/service helped you?

Detailed examples are more engaging in video format and add credibility.

14. How did you feel after using our product/service for the first time?

This taps into the emotional response, which resonates more strongly in the video.

15. What’s the biggest benefit you’ve noticed since using our product/service?

Clearly states the critical value, allowing potential customers to see the core benefit easily.

16. How does our product/service compare to others you’ve tried?

Visually expressing the comparison adds weight to your offering’s uniqueness.

17. Can you share a memorable moment using our product/service?

Storytelling is powerful in video, making the testimonial more engaging.

18. What was the most surprising aspect of our product/service?

Captures any unexpected advantages, which can intrigue viewers.

19. What would you say to someone considering our product/service?

An open recommendation directly engages viewers who are on the fence.

20. How has this product/service changed your business or personal life?

Demonstrates the long-term impact, adding depth to the testimonial.

Testimonial Questions for B2B Clients

Business clients often focus on ROI and process improvements, so questions should target measurable benefits and outcomes.

21. How does our solution fit into your long-term business strategy?

This speaks to the scalability and sustainability of your solution.

22. What was your business's primary challenge before working with us?

This helps other businesses see that you understand their challenges.

23. How did our solution integrate with your existing systems?

Emphasizes ease of implementation, a concern for many B2B clients.

24. What improvements have you seen in your operations since using our service?

Operational efficiency is a critical factor for many B2B buyers.

25. How has our service helped you achieve your business goals?

Relating to business objectives makes the testimonial more relevant.

26. What has been your return on investment since implementing our solution?

Quantifying ROI helps prospective clients justify their purchase decisions.

27. What aspects of our service do you find most valuable for your team?

This highlights the specific areas where your service adds value.

28. How did our team’s expertise and support help you?

Building trust in your team’s expertise is essential in B2B relationships.

29. Can you share any data points or KPIs that have improved since using our product?

Businesses love numbers, and this provides hard evidence of success.

30. Would you work with us again or recommend us to other businesses? Why?

A B2B recommendation carries significant weight when deciding on vendors.

Testimonial Questions for Health & Fitness Clients

Health and fitness clients typically focus on personal transformation and emotional benefits, so these questions should capture those stories.

31. What lasting changes have you made to your lifestyle because of our program?

It focuses on the long-term benefits and emphasizes sustainability and value.

32. What were your fitness/health goals when you started with us?

This frames the journey and helps potential clients relate to similar goals.

33. How did our program help you achieve your health/fitness goals?

Directly addresses the effectiveness of your offering in reaching results.

34. What changes have you noticed in my body or mindset since starting?

Physical and mental transformation appeals to emotional decision-making.

35. How did you feel when you reached a significant milestone?

Milestone achievements give clients a sense of progress and success.

36. What surprised you the most about our program?

This can reveal unexpected benefits that differentiate your service.

37. How has your confidence/self-esteem improved since working with us?

Confidence is a significant motivator for fitness clients and resonates emotionally.

38. What kept you motivated throughout the program?

Motivation tips encourage new clients who may need more confidence.

39. What advice would you give to someone starting their fitness journey?

Empowers future clients by offering personal advice from someone who has been through the process.

40. How has our coaching helped you overcome obstacles?

Tackles common setbacks and shows how your service addresses challenges.

Testimonial Questions for SaaS Clients

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) clients are often concerned with usability, scalability, and ROI. These questions target those areas.

41. What challenge would you solve using our software?

Pinpoints the problem your product addresses, helping others relate.

42. How easy was it to get started with our platform?

Usability is critical for SaaS products, and this shows it’s accessible.

43. What software feature do you find the most valuable?

Highlights a standout feature that can differentiate your SaaS from competitors.

44. How has our software improved your workflow or business processes?

Efficiency is a key factor for SaaS clients, so this focuses on results.

45. What measurable improvements have you seen since implementing our software?

Complex data is essential for potential SaaS buyers to justify their investment.

46. How does our software integrate with the tools you already use?

Integration can make or break a software decision, so highlighting this is crucial.

47. How has our support team helped you along the way?

Shows that you’re not just selling software but offering ongoing support.

48. Would you recommend our software to other businesses? Why?

A direct recommendation from a user adds credibility and trust.

49. How scalable is our platform as your business grows?

Scalability ensures your SaaS will continue to meet client needs as they expand.

50. What’s your favorite feature of the software, and how has it made your job easier?

User-friendly features that make work easier attract SaaS buyers.

Testimonial Questions for Education Programs

Education programs often revolve around personal and professional growth, so questions should focus on knowledge gained and career impact.

51. What motivated you to enroll in our program?

This helps prospective students understand why others made the same decision.

52. Would you recommend our program to others looking to further their education? Why?

A direct recommendation builds trust in the effectiveness of your program.

53. What were your learning goals, and how did we help you achieve them?

Learning outcomes are essential for students deciding on educational programs.

54. How has the knowledge you gained impacted your career?

Shows tangible career benefits from the education program.

55. What aspect of our curriculum did you find the most valuable?

It helps highlight critical parts of the program that prospective students can expect.

56. How has our program helped you achieve your professional goals?

Relating education to career success is a powerful motivator for potential students.

57. What did you like most about the learning environment we provided?

The environment can play a huge role in student satisfaction.

58. How did the instructors or mentors support you throughout your journey?

Highlights the value of support staff in helping students succeed.

59. What was your biggest takeaway from the program?

Encourages students to summarize the most impactful aspect of the experience.

60. How did our program compare to your educational experiences?

Differentiates your program from competitors based on actual student experiences.

Testimonial Questions for E-commerce Customers

E-commerce testimonials often discuss the buying experience and product quality. Questions should target satisfaction and product benefits.

61. What made you decide to purchase this product?

This helps prospective buyers understand the motivation behind the purchase.

62. How did you find the shopping experience on our website?

A smooth buying process is crucial for e-commerce success, so highlighting this is key.

63. What do you like most about the product you purchased?

Focuses on the product’s features and benefits, encouraging new buyers.

64. Did the product meet your expectations? Why or why not?

It helps set realistic expectations for future customers.

65. How would you describe the quality of the product?

Quality is a primary concern for online buyers, so this adds reassurance.

66. Would you buy from us again? If so, why?

Repeat buyers demonstrate satisfaction and trust in your brand.

67. How was your experience with our customer support?

Good customer service can be a deciding factor for many e-commerce customers.

68. Did the product arrive on time and in good condition?

Logistics can make or break an e-commerce experience, so highlighting smooth delivery is beneficial.

69. What would you say to someone considering buying from our store?

Direct recommendations help overcome buyer hesitation and build trust.

70. Have you noticed any benefits from using the product?

Focuses on the real-world impact of the product, encouraging future buyers.

Testimonial Questions for Creative Agencies

Creative agencies focus on branding, marketing, and design, so these questions should explore creativity, results, and collaboration.

71. What was the primary objective when you hired our agency?

Sets the context for the work and helps future clients relate to similar objectives.

72. How did our team bring your vision to life?

Creative clients appreciate a team that listens and delivers on their vision.

73. What results have you seen since implementing our creative work?

Focusing on outcomes helps future clients understand the tangible value of creative services.

How To Ask For A Testimonial: Gathering Client Testimonials

Testimonial Questions
Testimonial Questions

Email: The Trusted Method for Collecting Testimonials

Email requests remain one of the most effective channels for collecting customer testimonials because it's a straightforward and scalable approach. Later in this post, you'll find testimonial email templates that simplify collecting testimonials via email. You can ask for positive feedback in bulk by emailing your email list, or you can send an individual testimonial request by sending a direct message to your customer's email address.
You can even set up an automation so happy clients receive an automatic email when they complete an action. For example:
  • Two days after buying my product, ask for a testimonial.
  • After a positive customer service interaction, ask for a testimonial.
That way, your customer success team will only need to remember to do this sometimes.

Text Messages (SMS) - The Personal Touch for Collecting Testimonials

Text messages (or SMS) offer an intriguingly direct and personal channel for requesting customer reviews. Customers receive dozens, and sometimes hundreds, of emails per day. In an age where inboxes are cluttered, a text message can gracefully cut through the noise. Because text messages are so direct, they carry a higher risk of intrusion or annoyance if not done thoughtfully. Make your request:
  • Respectful
  • Clear
  • To the point
You were ideally integrating it as a seamless part of an already positive customer experience. This way, you encourage valuable testimonials while maintaining the sanctity of personal space.
The header or footer of your website serves as prime real estate for collecting valuable feedback. It's an area consistently visible to your audience, often catching their eye right before they navigate away or complete an action on your site. Strategically placing a simple but engaging call-to-action (CTA) here can encourage loyal customers to share organic feedback.
Since they’re already on your platform, this minimizes friction, making it exponentially more accessible for them to participate. It's convenience coupled with visibility!
Pro tip: When collecting testimonials passively, use incentives like discount codes and gift cards to encourage more people to leave testimonials.

Social Media: Use Your Following to Ask for Testimonials

If you've already built a social media following, you're sitting on a gold mine for collecting testimonials. Your audience is engaged, they know your brand, and they're likely to have positive experiences they're willing to share.
A single well-crafted post asking for reviews can generate immediate and numerous client testimonials and, sometimes, even traffic via public social media posts.

Ask In-Person: Collect Testimonials During Face-to-Face Interactions

If you’re new to this and don’t have an established email list of customers, asking in person can also be effective. Whenever your customers come to your shop, you can ask them for a written or video testimonial. This method is convenient for business owners who nurture face-to-face relationships.

Offer Incentives - Motivate Customers to Leave Testimonials

Sometimes, your customer might need some extra motivation. In exchange for a testimonial, offering some gratification could help you collect more testimonials quickly. You can provide a testimonial swap where we exchange positive customer testimonials. This only works if we use each other’s products or services.
Offer a gift card to each person who gives a testimonial, or if you have a tighter budget, organize a lottery in which one can win a gift card or some other compelling prize. If you go for a lottery, don’t forget to ask for each customer’s contact information so you can get back to them.

Ask Multiple Times - Increase Your Chances of Collecting Testimonials

You might not get an answer when you ask for the first time. Maybe the situation is not ripe enough yet – ask later. For example, offering multiple chances to give testimonials during a single website visit is essential. It might go unnoticed if the only way to provide feedback is hidden in the navigation.

Provide Great Customer Support and Experience - Happy Customers Leave Testimonials

Want a surefire way to ignite a chorus of positive reviews for your business? Prioritize stellar customer support! Happy customers don’t just return for more. They become your most persuasive marketing team, eager to share their positive experiences with the world. From anticipating needs to resolving issues promptly and professionally, exceptional support fosters trust and appreciation, paving the way for glowing testimonials.

Utilize Existing Review Platforms for Testimonial Collection

Utilizing third-party platforms can be your secret weapon for unlocking positive reviews and boosting your business’s credibility. Imagine this: a streamlined system where happy customers can quickly leave feedback on a neutral platform, complete with star ratings and detailed narratives. These platforms provide this trusted space, encouraging authenticity and making testimonials feel less like “a favor” and more like “celebrating a good experience” like:
Their search engine optimization magic can land your business in front of even more potential customers seeking social proof.

The Easy Way Of Gathering Testimonial On Website

Testimonial Questions
Testimonial Questions
When potential customers visit your website, they want to know what to expect from your product or service. The best way to provide this information is through authentic customer testimonials. However, not all testimonials are created equal. Gathering quality feedback addressing the right testimonial questions would be best to help your business build trust and credibility with prospective buyers.
For instance, instead of collecting reviews that say: “Product X is great!” you want to discover what makes Product X great. Did it solve a particular problem? How long did it take to see results? What specific features did the customer find valuable? The more specific and detailed your testimonials are, the more they help future customers make informed decisions. That’s why it’s essential to get testimonial questions right.

Use Tools to Gather Testimonials Efficiently

Gathering testimonials manually, such as through email requests, can be slow and labor-intensive. You must draft messages and follow up with customers; you often need more time to respond. This can lead to missed opportunities to showcase positive feedback that could help potential customers make informed decisions.
Tools like Testimonial streamline collecting and displaying customer feedback, making it faster and more efficient. With platforms like this, you can:
  • Send automated requests
  • Capture testimonials in various formats
    • Text
    • Video
  • Even import reviews from third-party sources.

Streamlining Testimonial Collection and Display with Testimonial Software

Testimonial also provides features like an embeddable “wall of love” widget, allowing you to showcase customer experiences directly on your site without hassle. This simplifies the collection and presentation, making it easier to build trust and credibility with new visitors. By using these tools, businesses can reduce the time spent manually tracking feedback and focus on gathering authentic, impactful testimonials that enhance customer trust and drive conversions.
Leveraging such technology helps to streamline the process and makes it easy to boost your credibility with minimal effort, whether you're a:
  • Content Creator
  • Agency
  • eCommerce business
Testimonial simplifies the process of building trust and credibility for businesses. Our testimonial software allows an accessible collection and display of authentic client testimonials featuring:
  • Video and text options
  • Embeddable ‘wall of love’ widget
  • A clever Email Assistant
  • Third-party review imports
Ideal for:
  • Content creators
  • Agencies
  • eCommerce
  • SaaS companies
Testimonials help boost your credibility and conversion rates by showcasing real customer experiences. Build a wall of love for free today with Testimonials.

8 Ways To Use Gathered Testimonials For Maximum Impact

Testimonial Questions
Testimonial Questions

1. The Power of a Testimonial Page

A classic way to showcase testimonials is to use a dedicated testimonials page. This allows you to feature as many testimonials from your customers as possible without worrying about space for other information. Make sure to include calls to action, though. This way, new potential customers can click on a button after they have been dazzled by the glowing reviews from other customers.

2. Placing Testimonials on Your Landing Pages

Another effective way to use testimonials is to place them on your landing pages. Doing so makes it easy for the new customers to spot the testimonials. Eighty-seven percent of leads look at customer reviews before making a purchase. They don’t have to look for a separate testimonial page since the testimonials are already visible when they first land on your website. But how do you ensure the testimonials do not occupy too much space on your landing pages? You can create a testimonial pop-up or a testimonial slider. They allow you to feature multiple testimonials while saving space for other important content.

3. Incorporating Testimonials into Marketing Materials

You can incorporate testimonials anywhere:
  • Sales pages
  • Email marketing
  • Social media
  • In a blog post
  • Flyers
  • Pamphlets
  • Slide shows
  • Presentations
The possibilities are endless. If you use video testimonials, you can create a YouTube channel or use them as commercial materials.

4. Using Testimonials for Ad Content

Let your customers vouch for you in paid ad campaigns and watch the results roll in by creating a testimonial ad.

5. Your Success Stories, Portfolio, or Case Studies

This is where you can provide quantitative data in the form of data and statistics of outcomes, as well as qualitative data using customer testimonials. As previously mentioned, combining both will win your customers’ hearts and minds.

6. Contact Pages and Checkouts

A testimonial on your checkout or contact page can be the final touch of persuasion you need. It could be what you need to push someone to buy your products or services. To make this as effective as possible, save your best testimonials for last.

7. Sharing Testimonials on Social Media

Share testimonials across your social media channels to increase engagement. Remember to tag your clients in the content and ask them to share it so you can gain brand exposure through their networks.

8. Importing Testimonials from External Pages

If you already have a few testimonials on an external review page like Google, why not use them and import them to your website? With Testimonial, you can easily embed testimonials and customer reviews on your website.

5 Best Practices For Getting Testimonials

Testimonial Questions
Testimonial Questions

1. Look Beyond Paying Clients

If you're starting out and still need to get paying clients, you can still gather valuable testimonials from people you've helped in other ways. A testimonial doesn't have to come from a paying customer—it can come from anyone who has benefited from your advice or services. Even casual conversations where you've provided helpful insights can lead to meaningful feedback, so don't be shy about asking for testimonials in informal settings.

2. Ask Thoughtful Questions

To get compelling testimonials, you need to ask the right questions. Avoid simple yes-or-no queries and ask open-ended questions that encourage detailed responses. For example, ask how their life or business has improved since working with you or what specific aspects of your service they found most valuable. These questions invite more engaging stories, which can resonate better with potential clients.

3. Gather Feedback Throughout the Process

Don’t wait until the end of a project to ask for a testimonial. Request feedback at different stages of your process to capture clients’ thoughts while they are still fresh. For instance, check in with your client for input after solving a fundamental problem or delivering a milestone.
This lets you gather testimonials reflecting various customer journey points, offering a more comprehensive picture of your value.

4. Utilize Different Formats

Testimonials don’t have to come from formal feedback forms. If a client praises your work on social media, via email, or in direct messages, don’t hesitate to ask if you can use their comments as a testimonial. Screenshots and quotes from different formats can be as powerful as you get the client’s permission to share their feedback.

5. Keep Collecting—The More, The Better

Regarding testimonials, quantity can be just as important as quality. Potential customers feel more confident when they see many positive reviews. Even if you only have short or simple testimonials, having many of them can provide the social proof needed to persuade new clients. Keep gathering testimonials to build a strong portfolio showcasing your business’s credibility.
  • How to Display Testimonials on Website
  • Vouch Video
  • VideoAsk Alternatives
  • Best Video Testimonial Software

Build a Wall of Love for Free Today with Testimonial

Almost everyone has heard the saying, “don’t judge a book by its cover.” But when it comes to business, people can’t help but make quick judgments based on what they see. A 2020 study by the Nielsen Norman Group shows that users spend 70% of their time on a website looking at its reviews. Testimonials help your business build credibility and trust. They allow you to prove to prospective customers that you can deliver on your promises and provide the products or services they need to solve their problems.
Rather than listening to your marketing hype, testimonials give customers access to the experiences of real people. Depending on how you structure them, they can even help you attract more qualified leads by showcasing your niche expertise.

Written by

Damon Chen
Damon Chen

Founder of Testimonial