Do You Really Need a Video Review Service?

Video reviews are high-converting and loved by prospects. Read why getting a service to collect feedback and manage reviews is a must-have today.

Do You Really Need a Video Review Service?
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Video reviews are high-converting and loved by prospects. Read why getting a service to collect feedback and manage reviews is a must-have today.
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Trust and external validation mean everything when selling products or services.
After searching online, the decision to purchase a product or visit a store is usually made in the Amazon reviews section of that product or the Google reviews section of the store.
If you consider that, many of your efforts will be in vain or greatly diminished if you don't take online reviews seriously.
You may be losing the battle long before it starts.
In this article, I will specifically focus on social proof in video format, which today has the highest converting power.
You need to start getting customer video experiences and highlighting them in your marketing efforts.
To make this process easier and faster, the best thing you can do is get a video service to support you.
Because as you read this, your competitors are already playing with multiple video assets on their marketing arsenal.
If you want to level up, this article is for you.
I will teach you why customer experiences in video are so important and why getting a service to help you speed up the results of your social proof campaigns is a no-brainer.

Why Do I Need Video Reviews?

Let's start by clarifying there's a huge difference between things that you want and things that you need in your business.
A rooftop office with a shared bar, pool, and game area is probably something you want and not something you need.
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Reviews give you the power to influence your customers' decisions by boosting your company's credibility to the heavens.
Your business does not want more sales; it NEEDS more sales.
You need them to keep operating even if you are doing well
You need them to keep growing.
So, investing time and resources into capturing reviews is not a luxury. It is something that your business will reward you for.
While there are text, image, audio, social media, and many other forms of reviews, you want to place a strong emphasis on videos because these will increase your conversion rates far more.
Why is that?
It is the human touch.
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Video is an upgraded social proof experience. It’s the ultimate experience.
Most likely, you won’t be able to drive your customers to events or prospects’ offices to have them speak well of you.
Yet, you can use tools to record them sharing their experience in front of a camera and then share their honest experience with the world.
These simple changes in your marketing strategies are like going from “telling” to actually “showing” your prospective customers how good you are.
It won’t mean a lot to you, but when the validation comes from the words and experiences of other people, they will mean the world.
Prospects that belong to your ideal target audience will be automatically sold because they will connect with your already-paying customers in many ways.
Marketing is all about connection, and video experiences are one of the top ways to achieve this at a deep level.

Why Do I Need a Video Review Service?

I can start answering that question with another question. Is there a way to run your review marketing efforts without a service?
Yes, there are plenty of alternative ways to achieve it.
Yet, it is important to understand that everything in life is about trade-offs.
You can try to create a sustainable collection workflow without a platform and without seeking the lowest pricing possible.
However, consider that the feedback is always the same: "Cheap is expensive."
You could spend hours sending emails, following up with those emails, doing video editing, getting reviews and approval of the assets from your users, adding them to your site, and more...
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There's nothing like using review-capturing services that will help you record quality videos and run streamlined video production processes.
You just have to pay an affordable monthly fee for an all-in-one tool.
One that records videos for you, organizes them, allows you to download copies at any time, and includes templates, collaboration tools, and more.
The ideal review service will help you get great video reviews without effort and build a systemized video  collection process.
Let's break down those two elements so you can see what I mean.

Get Top-Quality Video Reviews Without Effort

The review collection process involves asking for, capturing, and showcasing the reviews and following up with your reviewers.
The more a video review software helps you run these on autopilot, the better.
Gathering social proof is really important, but it should never become a job in itself or distract you from your more important duties.
Do you imagine yourself sending dozens of emails each day asking for reviews and monitoring replies or following up until your customers complete the task?
Will you have the technical capabilities to edit the videos, images, or text and upload them to your website or edit your website or landing page so it looks pretty each time new testimonials come up?
Then, you will have to follow up with your customers to say thanks or reward them, as well as pay your team members for the work done or pay for video hosting and emailing tools.
Believe me, it's not worth it.
How much is one hour of your time worth as an entrepreneur?
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Your goal should be to do less and less of those task than can be delegated to automation, or outsourced, so you can increase the value of your time and get the high-level things of the business done.
The best video review software would make it easy for you to collect feedback on video and customer experiences, manage reviews, collaborate, integrate, etc., without you having to spend your days on it.
Your goal should be to build a systemized video review collection process that works for you.

Building an Automated Video Review Collection System

This system is all about you. Your business. Your success. Your health. Your happiness.
So, prioritize yourself.
Instead of spending weeks on trial and error creating an integration of multiple free services and manual tasks, you could jumpstart your way to success by finding a precise solution that instantly provides you with the full creator toolkit.
An indicator of success? You can run through the full process with a single tool without wasting your precious time and energy.
Saving money is not always an indicator of making the right decision.
There are services like Testimonial, which will give you a perfect solution for an affordable monthly or yearly payment.
The ideal tool to get video reviews will meet the following criteria:

The Ideal Service Asks For Video Reviews on Autopilot

You are already doing a lot of email, Slack, and hustling to reach inbox zero.
Do you really want to spend a few extra hours each week messaging your clients to get their video reviews?
Think about it twice. You still would need to follow up with each customer until they complete their part.
Use a tool that can do this for you automatically.
The perfect scenario is that you export your customer emails, add them to your service, and write a quick text to send with each request.
Your tool does the rest, and you wait until the social proof submissions start hitting your inbox.
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Leaving a Review Must Be Quick and Easy for the Customer

Your customer is usually as busy or busier than you. And if not, you still need to treat their time as if they were.
This is a favor to you. They are doing this because they like you and your product or service.
What is the best you could do for them?
Make the process really simple and smooth.
If they open your email, click the link, and the social proof request is a time-consuming form... You are done.
You can easily forget about your chance to get their opinion on video.
So, you want software that allows you to record high-quality video experiences but whose interface is so simple and reliable that your customers will consider it a pleasure to review your company.
Again, trying to save money can be the game changer between getting many video testimonials without spending a lot of time or upsetting your customers.

The Process Should Be Flexible and Easy for Your Team Too

Whether we want to see it like that or not, testimonial marketing is mostly composed of menial tasks.
So, even if you delegate these, you must compensate your team for the work.
That is why a video service based on software is the most recommendable. That way, you don't spend extra money or unnecessary resources on things you could be doing leveraging technology.
Fractioning your employees' attention (or your attention) is another way you could weaken your business.
You would ideally be focused on more important things.
Stressing less should mean you are winning.
In the ideal scenario, the difficult parts of the collection process should be super easy for you too!
No more jumping from one tool to another or having to spend hours doing manual tasks.
  • Stop paying micro costs. Find an affordable service that meets your needs.
  • Stop acting like an assistant. Think like an owner.
Showcasing reviews on your website usually requires that you are either an excellent designer or programmer OR  that you have a lot of time to learn and perform the configurations, tasks, and editions.
You should be able to create a Wall of Love embed like this in minutes.
You should be able to create a Wall of Love embed like this in minutes.
Don't fall into that trap.
Even if you have the skills, your time should go to improving your product or growing the commercial side of your business.
Will your business be able to survive if its founder spends time learning extra skills just to add reviews to their site?
Try my advice. Find a tool that solves your needs in one place and then forget about the matter.
You can revisit the topic a couple of times per week just to see that things are working and make a couple of tweaks to your campaigns, but you won't be spending your working hours running these efforts.
With the rise of no-code tools, this shouldn't be difficult or too much to ask. You just need to find the right tool.
If the tool can help you create widgets that make your video reviews look GREAT, then it should have bonus points.

One Good Video Review Can Make You Money Forever

Finally, you must understand that the power of reviews scales exponentially.
What I mean by that is that you can create a campaign today, capture the reviews, and post them on your site in the next few days after your client sends their video review.
The best is that reviews are assets, so unlike paid ads or cold outreach efforts you're the value of your reviews will stay with you for as long as you need them or they are relevant to your business.
This is great because they will keep compounding value and helping you make money.
If your reviews highlight a characteristic or feature relevant to your prospects, you could use these assets anywhere and continue to get value from them indefinitely.

What Does the Ideal Video Review Service Look Like?

Okay, so recapping.
You need reviews that build trust. If we get specific about formats, video reviews are very good for that.
They will help you drive sales, increase conversions, and make an impact.
Time is valuable. If you don't want to spend crazy amounts of your time requesting, capturing, and figuring out ways to share your social proof with the world, you need a service to help you with client reviews.
The best review collection service will:
  • Help you send automatic review requests
  • Make the collection process stupidly simple for your customers
  • Favor video recording and do it with high image quality
  • Give you the tools to filter, organize, tag, and edit the video, text, and images captured
  • Help you put all of those reviews on your site without you having to design or code
  • Provide you tools to reply, reward, or follow up with customers who leave their feedback
These are some of the criteria that the best review collection service will meet. Is The Best Video Review Service

Now that we have spoken about all these let me introduce our solution,
Testimonial allows you to get text and video testimonials from your customers with no need for a developer or website hosting.
Video preview
It helps you request, record, publish, and follow up with your testimonials.
  1. It has T.E.A. (Testimonial Email Assistant) to help launch your testimonial outreach campaigns.
  1. It allows you to create your own testimonial collection pages and widgets to facilitate and easily automate the process of capturing them.
  1. Testimonial has its own browser extension to help you capture social proof from social channels, images, email, user-generated content, and more.
  1. allows you to create unlimited Wall of Love embeds, so you can create impactful landing pages as you need
  1. It has options to reply, reward, and follow up with people sharing their experiences.
  1. Testimonial's dashboard includes many other features to help businesses leave a great first impression and grow their business.
If you are ready to grow your business without the hassle of time-consuming routines or expensive video equipment or videographers, and while having complete control of what prospects can see...
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You need an all-in-one tool like
Start seeing the results and close those deals today. Sign up for your free plan or free trial here.

Written by

Damon Chen
Damon Chen

Founder of Testimonial